Thursday, March 4, 2021

Career Brand Development and Self-Coaching


Critical thinking – the application of scientific methods and logical reasoning to problems and decisions – is the foundation of effective problem solving and decision making. Critical thinking enables us to avoid common obstacles, test our beliefs and assumptions, and correct distortions in our thought processes. Gain confidence in assessing problems accurately, evaluating alternative solutions, and anticipating likely risks. Learn how to use analysis, synthesis, and positive inquiry to address individual and organizational problems and develop the critical thinking skills needed in today’s turbulent times. Using case studies and situations encountered by class members, explore successful models and proven methods that are readily transferable on-the-job.

Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
1. Choose and apply appropriate problem solving and decision making processes and methods

2. Identify common obstacles to effective problem solving and decision making
3. Recognize the human variable in problem solving and decision making
4. Assess major conceptual blocks and significant situational challenges
5. Apply concepts to enhancing personal development and organizational performance 6. Explain the key elements of problem solving and decision making and the barriers associated with them.

Taught by

Mohammed oirdi


-International human development coach by kingston academy.

-Clinical hypnotherapist by American school of hypnosis.

-Sports nutrition specialist by SECS.

-Strangth and sport conditioning  specialist.

-Bachelor in science nursing and health care from ISPITS.

-Artist painter.

-Author of the book "happiness flavoured-science" .

-CEO and founder of  ‘’

-Trainer and instructor in the field of personal development and hypnosis.

SSB Academy Team

Author &Editor

Since soft skills are a bit hard to quantify, it can be challenging to determine which ones you have. Start by asking yourself, “Has anyone at work ever singled me out for a performance that involved a soft skill, like communicating, teaching, or managing my time?” If so, you likely have that skill


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