Sunday, December 5, 2021

Automotive Electrical Diagnosis - Beginner


What you'll learn

·        Understand Basic Automotive Electrical Schematics Diagrams.

·        Utilize a Diagnostic Process to isolate the vehicle's electrical problem.





·        Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Master Technician and Instructor Steve Liguori, Teaches Beginners, and Do-it-Yourselfers how to Understand Automotive Electrical Wiring Diagrams and Schematics.  He Demonstrates a Process that can Promote Quick and Accurate Diagnostic Results.

·        The Achievable Goal for Some Students will be to Diagnose their own Vehicle's Electrical Problems.  For Others, the Knowledge Gained from Practicing what is Taught in this Program will allow them to Narrow Down the Possible Causes for a Fault they are Experiencing, as well as give them the Confidence to Recognize if the Service Center they utilize is Honest and Competent.

·        The more you practice what is taught in this course and Apply the Process to various wiring diagrams on your car, the more Comfortable and Proficient you will become.  This course explains the foundation material necessary to Understand many Basic Electrical Circuits.

·        Steve has Educated Thousands of Students over the years, and has found a way to Cut to the Chase and provide large amounts of information and understanding in a small amount of time.  The explanations and the animations clearly are a huge benefit to solidify the students understanding of the concepts.

·        Spend a few hours Learning, Reviewing and Practicing the Principles in this Course and you will be well on your way to the Basic Automotive Electrical Understanding You Desire!

Who this course is for:

·        Do-it-Yourselfers or Anyone who wants to learn how to Diagnose Basic Automotive Electrical Circuits.

·        Anyone looking to Eliminate Wasted Time and Money guessing which components might be bad.

·        Beginner Automotive Students looking to better understand Automotive Electrical and Schematic Diagrams.


Steven Liguorii

SSB Academy Team

Author &Editor

Since soft skills are a bit hard to quantify, it can be challenging to determine which ones you have. Start by asking yourself, “Has anyone at work ever singled me out for a performance that involved a soft skill, like communicating, teaching, or managing my time?” If so, you likely have that skill


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